
John, I always so appreciate your real life reflections. I'm very aware that my making generalizations in an 800 word essay allows me often to sidestep the gritty, and often puzzling, details. Everything you mention both grieves me and leaves me muddled. It's so hard for me to understand the evil that is perpetrated by men who then on Sunday are preaching a gospel of God's grace. But it happens, and I'm glad it's being brought to light. It all makes me look into my own heart - I'm afraid of what I might find there, but I have to look. My own sin, not perhaps as graphic and terrible is still there. And that grieves me.

Anyway, you have spurred me to think more deeply about what love looks like when those whom we might have to love are people who have done grievous wrong.

I'm sorry you are having to deal with these things up close and personal. I will pray for you.

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Excellent commentary, Pastor! It was nice “meeting” you on the phone the other day. I met with Mark today; he likes the idea of moving forward with your seminar, but we are waiting for the executive pastor to return from sabbatical in a couple weeks, and for our hiring of our director of community engagement, which should happen within that timeframe. Then, the Elders will discuss the possibilities during our August 8th Session meeting. Thanks for your patience. Stay tuned!

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Whew, Randy! Heavy. And, as always, written beautifully and thoughtfully.

Thank you for the book suggestions. But--or and--thank you, first, for the message.

I'm trying to think how to apply it.

Especially in the context where, in these last few weeks I have been dealing with trying to help a daughter who has come to the point where she believes she must divorce her abusive husband; . . . and a woman whose daughter, she has no doubt, was being sexually preyed-upon by her (until daughter ran away and woman initiated divorce proceedings against him) PASTOR-husband . . . and a local man who is called (and likes to call himself) PASTOR. though he is not "even" a member of any local church, but he runs the local Christian radio station . . . and he is being ALLEGED to have sexually molested several children 30-plus years ago . . not to mention, of course, the chatter concerning Robert Morris (on top of all the other similar reports concerning [mostly men, but a few women] in positions of church leadership who abuse their positions to serve their own lusts . . . whether for sexual or financial or other illicit ends [all faithfully reported by MinistryWatch]). . . .

I have sat here quietly for a few minutes.

"LORD! What am I supposed to learn from all this? How am I supposed to respond?"

And the word just came to me. From 1 Peter 4:17: "For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God?"

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