Just like Paul:

“Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭RSV‬‬

I’d say you’re running to win!

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To those in your flock you are a winner.

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Thanks, Carol. I think I forgot to pay you for last month's compliments. I'll try to settle accounts soon. ;)

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Excellent post, Randy! And Carol Arnold is your biggest fan! She can be President of your fan club! I will serve as Vice-President! You ARE a writer! An outstanding writer. Your crafting of ideas ALWAYS keeps me engaged. You ARE a pastor! No imposter pastor (or "I'm pastor") are you! You are transparent and authentic -- clearly one who loves and shepherds his flock well. (See President Carol Arnold.) And you certainly stated your case well for being a runner! I loved all of your observations! I quit running in my early-40's. (I am now 66.) I heard that running was hard on a person's joints, so I quit cold turkey. When I did "run," I was like you, trying to enjoy the experiences of races without overdoing my exertion of energy. Running was, as with you, more about the journey than the destination (although I always finished, because I am no quitter)! What is the name of your book? I'd like to read it, since I am Vice-President.

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Yes, Carol's a good one. We aim to keep her around as long as we can.

Now, it should be obvious, that someone who wants people to READ his book would have linked in the post where it can be found! It's called SOMETHING WORTH LIVING FOR. You can buy it from most outlets, where I get no return on it, or you can by it from me here: https://randygreenwald.com/product/something-worth-living-for/

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Whoa, Randy! SO good! SO encouraging!

"Funny," I had just preached, yesterday, on a subject very close to this (in my mind). Here in Belize, I'm afraid that it is very common for people to think of themselves as "nothings," powerless, poor, incapable, needy, having nothing to give others, always needing to be on the "receiving" end (and ASKING).

Yesterday, my sermon was inspired by a comment someone made about Ephesians 1:1 (and Philippians 1:1, and Colossians 1:1 . . . and 1 Corinthians 1:2 and 2 Corinthians 1:1 and Romans 1:7). What are these brothers and sisters addressed as? Are they ever referred to as "sinners . . . saved by grace"? Or are they SOMETHING ELSE?

How should we, these "new creations," refer to ourselves? As SINNERS . . . saved by grace? Or (is our fundamental identity now) SAINTS . . . saved by grace?

I believe our FUNDAMENTAL identity needs to be recognized for what it IS (rather than what it USED TO BE). We are SAINTS. We are NEW creations. We have passed from death to LIFE, from stealing or barely surviving to PRODUCING an ABUNDANCE in order to GIVE (Ephesians 4:28). From thirsty and drinking enough barely to survive to people out of whom flow RIVERS of LIVING WATER that furnish all the people (or "trees") around us with an abundance to FLOURISH and produce FRUIT--in season and out (or every month of the year; John 7:37-38; Ezekiel 47:12; Jeremiah 17:8; Psalm 1:3; Revelation 22:1-2). From fearful to touch the leper lest se be contaminated, to able and even eager to touch the leper so as to CLEANSE and HEAL (Luke 5:12-13). From crippled or hobbled, to ATHLETES, RUNNING WITH ENDURANCE the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1 . . . and so many others having to do with not turning aside to the right or left and not looking back but pressing forward. . . .)

And then your post came.

Since English is the second language for many people in our (very small) church, though I sent them a link to your post, I also recorded my own read version.

I should listen to your read version to see how our . . . audible "interpretations" differ!

THANKS for your gracious faithfulness with this blog!

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I meant to give that a listen - hopefully I will soon. And thanks, as always, for your great encouragement.

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