Randy, your thoughts and writing bring compelling cases with all of these posts. I am blessed by your words. I love the truth of the body of Christ functioning as the body of Christ to each other and certainly also to an unbelieving world. And, hey, flannel lessons are STILL highly effective for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners!

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Thank you for your faithfulness Randy!! I love flannel graph lessons.. brings back memories of Sunday school with my favorite teacher,Frieda! Your post was good for my heart.. thank you!

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By the way, I am on p. 160 of SOMETHING WORTH LIVING FOR, and I am loving every page. What a great way for the reader to interact with the catechism through your personal and solid biblical commentary.

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Hey, Bob - that is really encouraging. Thanks for saying so. [Of course if you were inclined to head over to Amazon and say nice things, I would not complain . . . ;)]

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