Oh, Boy! Randy! THAT is a provocative title! But I love the finish! And congratulations that, at your age, you are able to do six-mile runs! Wow! I am almost as active today as I was 20 years ago, but I have never had the stamina for six-mile runs. (10-, 20-, or 100-mile bike rides, yes. But runs? No way! . . . And I haven't done a long bike ride in, what? Almost 50 years!

THANK YOU for the literary references and suggestion(s). I recognized the first two, but not the second two names, though I used to read Prince Valiant. I had no idea Valiant had multiple writers! I look forward to getting At Large and at Small. Thanks for the recommendation.

And, finally, thanks for the link to the CT article about counterfeiting! Youch! Very disturbing. And, yes, losing 15,000 units of sale IS huge in the publlshing business. . . . But/and I sure hope IVP honors the larger number that they, themselves, calculated as REAL sales, even though they didn't get the profits. Clearly, they know what this author is capable of. . . .

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